
Tourism Stakeholders Commit To Plastic Free Future

Leading hotels and tourism groups have signed the “Phuket Pledge” at Phuket Hotels for Islands Sustaining Tourism Forum 2018 (PHIST) establishing a model for the future development of islands throughout Asia that embraces sustainability as a core and sets urgent goals for long-term change.Keep reading ...

Thailand: Southeast Asia’s Last Hope for Wildlife?

With wildlife populations in Indochina in rapid decline, Thailand is the last great hope for the region’s natural heritage, particularly for large carnivores such as tigers and leopards. In fact, many donor organizations feel that Thailand has already achieved mid-level development status, making it more ...

Gregory McCann

Osotspa Osotspa diversifying overseas to sustain growth

Osotspa Plc, an 127-year-old consumer products conglomerate, is looking to take a diverse range of product lines overseas to ensure long-term sustainable growth. Keep reading ...

Pitsinee Jitpleecheep

Government touts aircraft maintenance center in Chonburi to French investors

The government has confirmed plans to establish an aircraft maintenance center in the country to French investors who have shown an interest in the country’s aviation sector. After receiving a delegation of French business people at Government House, Prime Minister’s Office Minister, Kobsak Phutrakul, revealed ...

Itiporn Lakarnchua

Healthcare: What the future holds in store

With an ageing population in Asia and a scenario that foresees an increase in cancers, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, shouldn’t we be looking at ‘clinical utopia’?The increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases and an ageing population means healthcare resources will continue to struggle to meet the ...

Use of Article 44 urged to push marijuana bill

With the bill to legalise the use of marijuana for medical purposes bogged down in process, Deputy Prime Minister ACM Prajin Juntong is looking into the possibility of Article 44 being invoked as a means of moving the bill forward. Prajin, who is also justice ...

The Nation Reporter

Official air quality standards raise concerns

Acceptable PM2.5 levels in Thailand still too high and fail to meet world standards, say critics.From next month, the Pollution Control Department (PCD) will set PM2.5 particles as an indicator of Thailand’s air quality, but the move does not ease the concerns of people in ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Lancang-Mekong Cooperation promotes regional development

In November 2015, the foreign ministers of China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam held a meeting to discuss the establishment of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC). The LMC framework was formally established in March 2016 by the six member countries. The LMC is an important ...

Southern education center helping local teachers to become 'digital savvy'

Thailand’s coordination and administrative center for southern education is providing digital training to more than 3,000 educators in southern cities. On Saturday (Sep 22) , the center organized a training course for the second batch of 120 educators. The course was mainly focused on “Google ...

Thammarat Thadaphrom

MoU on digital trade and investment signed with US

Thai and US businesses pledged Monday (Sep 24)  to set up an economic and business promotion committee and partner to promote Thailand’s digital economy and Thailand-US digital trade and investment. Keep reading ...

Phusadee Arunmas

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