
As questions are raised about ‘belt and road’, projects slow in Southeast Asia

China is reshaping the approach of its flagship “Belt and Road Initiative” in Southeast Asia, as Chinese projects in the region plunged last year amid growing global scrutiny of Beijing’s development strategy.Keep reading ...

Sarah Zheng

SPECIAL REPORT: In Search of A Breath of Fresh Air

The causes of smog that have emerged as a threat to public health are well known; the real challenge is to implement the solutions.Environment Minister General Surasak Kanchanarat assured the public on Wednesday that the government has a plan and will take steps to tackle ...

Piyaporn Wongruang

Thailand in need of 'Energy 4.0’

The transformative potential enabled by the intersection of clean energy technologies and the interconnected digital economy offers an ideal platform for powering “Thailand 4.0”. Adopted by the Thai government in 2016, Thailand 4.0 is a model for growth that aims to transform Thailand into a high-income country, ...

Pradeep Tharakan

Researchers find city air full of toxic heavy metals

Bangkok’s air is full of toxic heavy metals, researchers have discovered, and it is contributing to year-round hazardous threats to public health. Now is the time for Thai authorities to set out the standards for controlling the emissions of every hazardous heavy metal found in ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Focus on Thai fishing distracts from worker abuse in other sectors: researchers

Millions of migrant workers in Thailand’s construction, agriculture and livestock industries suffer from exploitative practices, but a focus on the fishing sector has distracted attention from them, researchers said on Thursday.Keep reading ...

Dams still best way to manage water resources: govt agencies

Thailand clearly has faith in its traditional water-management system to cope with extreme weather brought on by climate change.  However, environmentalists warn that instead of relieving the negative effects of climate change, dams and large-irrigation projects only cause further damage, as dams only intensify the ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Merge small schools to boost education quality: WB

The World Bank is continuing its call for Thailand to merge its small schools in order to improve education.“Our research has found clear evidence that teacher shortage is a key factor behind the educational-quality problems,” Dilaka Lathapipat, a human-development economist at the World Bank, told ...

The Nation Reporter

Meetings held to seek answer to Bangkok smog

As public agitation over the hazardous air in Bangkok continues to grow, a fresh look at how to deal with PM2.5 particulates is underway, with consecutive meetings being held by the national pollution-control committee and environmental board.Authorities are discussing additional mitigation measures with PM2.5 levels ...

The Nation Reporter

Immigration officers to show leniency on bank statement requirements

Thai immigration says it is willing to show leniency to foreigners on the subject of proving their income when applying for retirement and marriage visas and visa extensions.Immigration chief Police Lieutenant General Surachate Hakparn acknowledged that some applicants may have difficulty in providing 12 months ...

Social Development and Welfare Dept continues to develop SE Online database

The Director General of the Department of Social Development and Welfare has continued to develop a database for requesting a social enterprise certificate online (SE Online).Social Development and Welfare Department Director General Napha Setthakorn said the Department of Social Development and Welfare is the main ...

Supawadee Wangsri

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