
Public urged to keep close eye on IPD moves now patent claims rejected

The junta officially suspended the seven problematic cannabis medicine patent applications as of Friday. In its Facebook page, BioThai Foundation revealed that judging from the latest status of medical cannabis patent applications in the Intellectual Property Department’s (IPD) system, it appeared that the seven controversial ones ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Powering up SOLAR ENERGY ambitions

BCPG and Power Ledger will collaborate with Chiang Mai University to launch a private energy solar rooftop power plant in the second half of this year.  The project represents an advance in using digital technologies to lessen the university’s energy footprint, while pointing to the ...

Asina Pornwasin

Hedging against Bangkok's PM2.5 pollution crisis

For visitors, stepping into “Lan Mai Thai”, a small tree shop operated by Manee Siripalika in Min Buri district near Chatuchak 2 Market, is like walking into an oasis. It’s because its surroundings are so disturbingly polluted and unpleasant; a construction site for the Orange ...

Pitcha Dangprasith

Grasping the reality of Thailand's wage inequality

A recent report circulating in the press and social media has raised quite a few eyebrows — not just those of Thais, but also those of foreigners who are well acquainted with Thailand. “New” findings published in the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2018 claims ...

Vijavat Isarabhakdi

Thai e-Commerce grew to Bt3.2- tr last year

Thai e-Commerce grew the most in Asean last year, due to changes in consumer behaviour, and its value is expected to hit Bt3.2 trillion, the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) said in a press release on Saturday.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

Egat to float solar panels at dams

The state-run Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) will start installation of floating solar panels in April at five hydropower plants in five provinces. The project was approved by the National Energy Policy Council last Thursday. Keep reading ...

Yuthana Praiwan

Thailand faces tough job as Asean chair amid trade conflicts, forum hears

As Asean chair this year, Thailand must enhance the region’s cooperation amid growing US-China tensions that threaten to go beyond mere trade conflicts, international-relations experts said at a peace forum in Bangkok yesterday.“The tension between China and the US is unlike the tension between the ...

Phuwit Limviphuwat

Thailand Ratifies Work in Fishing Convention, Considers Under 18s

Thailand has become the first country in Asia to ratify the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No.188), which protects the living and working conditions of fishers on board vessels. The Work in Fishing Convention sets out binding requirements relating to work on board fishing vessels, ...

Cambodian workers ‘vulnerable’ in Thailand

The Thailand Migration Report 2019 estimates that the country currently hosts about 4.9 million non-Thai residents, with some 3.9 million being documented and undocumented workers from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.Thailand benefits significantly from their presence, the report said. Migrant workers help fill labour shortages, ...

Corruption rises in Thailand, global watchdog says

Thailand dropped to 36 points, one lower than the year before, in Transparency International’s 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index for 2018 released on Tuesday. The index ranges from 100 (very clean) to 0 (very corrupt).Keep reading ...

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