
34th Asean Summit to boost unity

Thailand is hosting the 34th Asean Summit under the theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. As the Asean chair, Thailand wants to see member states forge closer ties on the basis of regional unity.The “advancing” part of the theme signifies dynamic changes to be made ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Asean leaders back Thai push for RCEP deal

Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have vowed to try to conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) this year, deputy government spokesman Werachon Sukondhapatipak said on Saturday.Keep reading ...

Kornchanok Raksaseri

Seeing Asean straight as Thailand chairs

When Asean organises big meetings, the tendency for the host is to talk up a brouhaha. So it goes with the 34th Asean summit under Thailand’s rotating chairmanship this year. By year’s end, several hundred Asean-related meetings will have taken place, highlighted by the final ...

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

BAAC targets B1bn via online farm platform sales

The state-owned Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) aims for 1 billion baht in sales over the next five years from an e-commerce platform designed as an online distribution channel for farmers.Keep reading ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Thai cybersecurity ranking dips to 35th

Thailand’s ranking in cybersecurity readiness fell to 35th in 2017-18 from 20th in 2016 as other countries made better cybersecurity improvements.“The slip in ranking is not due to poorer cybersecurity competency in Thailand, as its overall score improved, it’s just that other countries have done ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

A Common Challenge: Geography and Inequality in Thailand and America

Economic inequality has become a major roadblock in Thailand’s path to prosperity and democracy. The massive development gap between the prosperous central and eastern seaboards and outlying agricultural regions has been a source of political division and unmet economic potential for decades. In Thailand’s northeast, ...

Thomas Parks

LGBT campaigners call for rights panel

LGBT rights campaigners and activists have petitioned a House committee to usher in a panel that monitors gender protections.The petition was submitted to Thanikan Ponpongsaroj, spokeswoman of a committee responsible for drafting the rules governing the meeting of the House of Representatives.Keep reading ...

Aekarach Sattaburuth

No room for civil society groups at Asean Summit

Activists question regional grouping’s aspiration to be people-centred; interface likely in November.Asean civil groups and representatives of people’s organisations will once again be denied an interface meeting with leaders during the 34th summit in Bangkok this weekend, as they failed to convene a parallel meeting, ...

Yiamyut Sutthichaya

More cross-border bus services urged

The Transport Ministry has urged bus operators to set up routes across borders from Thailand to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, known as the CLMV countries, due to their highly lucrative business potential.“Expanding road networks afford bus operators more opportunities to do business,” said Chaiwat ...

Thodsapol Hongtong

Data sovereignty drives new demand for Asia Pacific

“Data is the new oil.” While that analogy may not be perfect, recent events underscore just how valuable particular types of data are in the information age.Governments across the globe have been taking steps to secure data and are setting out rules around its exchange ...

Daniel Lorenzzo

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