
Criteria for state welfare smartcards getting rejig

Qualification criteria for a new round of registration for state welfare recipients will be tweaked after additional allowances for smartcard holders under the economic stimulus package are revealed.Keep reading ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

TDRI wants waste on agenda

Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) has urged the government to include waste management as part of the national agenda and proposed the government ban foam usage and make consumers pay for plastic shopping bags.Keep reading ...

Phusadee Arunmas

Labour training centre for EEC

The government is teaming up with the private sector to open a labour force training centre in Rayong to deepen the pool of skilled workers in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).The Sumipol Institute of Manufacturing Technology (Simtec) is a learning centre and workshop located in ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Subcommittee okays Bt99.6-billion budget for four water projects

The Subcommittee for Large and Important Projects has approved a budget of Bt99.65 billion for four water management projects after a meeting on Friday, Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thammanat Prompao, who is also chairman of the subcommittee, said.Keep readfing ...

The Nation Reporter

Energy and climate talks held between ASEAN China

Academics and experts on energy transition and climate change from China have shared their experiences with ASEAN at the ASEAN – China Cooperation Conference on Energy Transition and Climate-Resilience Development. It is expected that the knowledge gained from this event will be adopted by ASEAN ...

GISTDA announces Discover Thailand's Astronaut Scholarship Program

The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) announced the Discover Thailand’s Astronaut Scholarship Program, which offers an opportunity for selected Thai children to witness operations at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and NASA Visitor Center.Keep watching ...

Thailand China joins hand in Eastern Airport City development

The Eastern Economic Corridor Office and the Administrative Committee of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone have established a cooperation on the development of Thailand’s Eastern Airport City.Keep watching ...

PM orders analysis to tackle national poverty

Prime Minister Payuth Chan-o-cha has ordered related governing agencies to analyse poverty data in every province for an “on-point” solution plan, government spokesman Narumon Pinyosinwat said on Thursday.This sustainable poverty solution has to focus on four factors – access to basic needs, improvement in the ...

The Nation Reporter

Government readies further EV measures

The government plans to launch additional measures for motorists to buy electric vehicles (EVs) and motorcycles this year to pump up demand for low-emission vehicles on local roads, says Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong.Keep reading ...

Yuthana Praiwan

BMA likely to delay new rubbish collection fee

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is likely to postpone the new garbage collection fee for another year, in a bid perceived as populist appeasement.The Bangkok Council on Wednesday gave initial approval to a proposal tabled by Bangkok governor Aswin Kwanmuang asking that the new fee ...

Supoj Wancharoen

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