
BoT will not extend debt moratorium, plans targeted measures

The Bank of Thailand will not extend a broad-based debt moratorium but will introduce targeted measures to help debtors affected by the coronavirus pandemic, a BoT assistant governor said on Friday.Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy posted its deepest contraction in over two decades in the second ...

Publicity necessary for scheme to attract 10 million registrants, FM told

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed the Finance Ministry to publicise the “Kon La Khreung” (Let’s Go Halves) economic stimulus package so more people use the scheme, Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said on Friday.He said just over 3.5 million people have registered for it ...

The Nation Reporter

Thailand and China agree to work together against COVID 19 [Video]

Thailand and China have agreed to cooperate in multiple respects to research and develop a vaccine for COVID-19, as well as mutually work to revive one another’s economies.Keep watching ...

TCC’s confidence index in September improves [Video]

The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) said that the Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Confidence Index in September has improved, but still underperformed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing political turmoil.Keep watching ...

Thailand Protesters Defy State of Emergency With Massive Anti-Government Rally

Thousands of demonstrators have defied a state of emergency the Thai prime minister declared in response to massive protests demanding his resignation and reform of the country’s constitutional monarchy.Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha signed the decree late Wednesday night after tens of thousands of protesters marched ...

Standard EV charging system in the offing

The state and private sectors will start integrating different charging systems for electric vehicles (EVs) into a single standard as part of a trial early next year to make facilities more widely available to EV motorists.Up to 80 charging outlets have been built since 2016 ...

Yuthana Praiwan

Thai economic outlook highly uncertain, risks tilted to downside

Thailand’s economic outlook remains highly uncertain with risks tilted to the downside and the central bank stands ready to use necessary tools to support an economy hammered by the coronavirus pandemic, central bank officials said on Wednesday.Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy contracted the most in 22 ...

Thailand’s economic crunch, protests cast land rights struggle in new light

As Thailand’s economy cracks under COVID-19, land ownership and access are key to many communities’ ability to ride out the crisis. Amid ongoing popular protests, Thailand must decide how to address its stark wealth gap and the needs of low-income rural communities.Keep reading ...

Thailand’s big banks sinking billions into digital transformation

Four of Thailand’s biggest commercial banks are hastening moves to stay ahead of the wave of digital disruption now sweeping the country.Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) is in the final year of its four-year digital transformation plan but is already drafting a new plan for the ...

The Nation Reporter

NPL crisis due to Covid-19 'worse than 1997 meltdown'

The present Covid-19 crisis was worse than the Tom Yam Kung crisis of 1997, the Bangkok Commercial Asset Management (BAM) has said, adding that non-performing loans (NPL) was of concern for Thailand’s economic system.BAM explained that financial institutions in 1997 had a low rate fund ...

The Nation Reporter

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