
Helping only the poor may hurt all in the end, seminar hears

Several economists have cautioned Thailand against falling into the trap of delivering state help to low-income earners only.“State welfare should be universal,” said Dr Thorn Pitidol, a lecturer at the Thammasat University’s Faculty of Economics. A recent forum held by his faculty addressed the challenges ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Thailand will stick to 2019 date for general election, deputy PM says

There will be no delays to a general election planned in Thailand for 2019, the deputy prime minister said on Wednesday (Oct 3), amid the concerns of government critics and the opposition that it could be pushed back.Keep reading ...

Grand tourism plans for EEC

Thailand has devised a tourism development plan for the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) with a five-year public and private budget of about Bt200 billion.Tourist numbers are expected to surge by 1.5 times within 2021, Kalin Sarasin, chairman of the Board of Trade of Thailand who ...

The Nation Reporter

Call for further power plants

Business operators have high expectations that the country’s energy policymakers will soon open licence granting for waste-to-energy power plants with a combined capacity of 300 megawatts. Keep reading ...

Yuthana Praiwan

Thailand taken off ivory trade watch list

Thailand has been removed from an international watch list of eight countries of “primary concern” in the illegal ivory trade. Somkiat Sunthornpitakkul, director-general of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation’s Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Division revealed the improved status ...

The Nation Reporter

Upstream dams a threat to tomatoes, farmers

Thailand’s finest tomato production areas along Mekong River in the northeastern region have suffered serious impacts from dams in the lower Mekong River Basin, causing financial distress for the local farmers and threatening their livelihoods.Keep reading ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Mekong communities urged to organise emergency plans

A communitirs-led emergency response plan is being advocated to cope with water hazards and dam disasters on the entire Mekong River Basin, as climate change magnifies the threats of water disasters posed by dams.Keep reading ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Agencies offer scheme to ease poverty

The Office of National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC), the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and the Ministry of Science and Technologies have joined up to help alleviate poverty in Thailand. Keep reading ...

Jirapan Boonnoon

EIA approved for housing and dual railway projects

The National Environment Board has approved an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the construction of affordable rental housing units in Chonburi, and a Nong Khai-Khon Kaen dual railway project. Members of the National Environment and other related agencies approved the EIA report commissioned for the ...

Nuppol Suvansombut

Developing human capabilities will help firms prepare for digital disruptions, say experts

You need strong human capabilities to be able to make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is only when the two are combined together can progress and productivity be maximised, said Hau L Lee, The Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology, Stanford Graduate School ...

Phuwit Limviphuwat

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