
Latest tax break covers B60k of prenatal care, childbirth costs

The Revenue Department is letting individual taxpayers claim an income tax deduction for prenatal care and childbirth expenses of up to 60,000 baht per tax year, with retroactive effect from Jan 1 this year, according to a department announcement. Keep reading ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Discover the positive benefits delivered by the successful fight against illegal fishing

Since 2015, Thailand has put tremendous efforts into overhauling its entire fishing industry in order to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing in Thailand so as to achieve the sustainability of marine resources. The  challenge of overfishing has been comprehensively tackled through ...

Eductors worry teaching system in thea country ‘breaking down’

Teacher educators are re-examining their role in response to what they see as universities becoming increasingly focused on “money matters” rather than nurturing the best potential teachers.  “We are not in a position to seriously screen new students anymore. Frankly speaking, we recruit every applicant ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Delay in turtle’s status upgrade threatens marine species with extinction

It may be too late to save leatherback turtles from extinction in Thailand’s seas, as a legal deadlock prevents a conservation status upgrade to protect this critically endangered turtle species and three other rare marine animals.Keep reading ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Universal welfare ‘at risk’

A prominent activist has urged every political party to express a clear stance on the country’s universal healthcare scheme and other state welfare issues ahead of the upcoming election. The call surfaced yesterday (Oct 16) amid growing concerns that influential groups intend to be selective ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Two million stray cats and dogs by 2027 if no action taken to register and sterilise, forum told

Stray dogs and cats must be registered and sterilised, otherwise their population will reach 2 million in 10 years, the Livestock Development Department has warned.The number of stray cats and dogs was estimated at 820,000 last year, and the total will reach 2 million by ...

Kornrawee Panyasuppakun

IEAT targets new Sadao SEZ investment of B20bn

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) is confident a new special economic zone (SEZ) in Sadao, Songkhla will be able to attract investment worth 20 billion baht and create roughly 6,000 jobs. The Sadao SEZ will start development in the fourth quarter, said Somchint ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Nectec academy formed to help train IoT skill set

An Internet of Things (IoT) Academic Network is being set up through a collaboration involving the National Electronic and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) and 23 educational institutes and schools to develop human resources in the country.The move is aimed at helping the country cope with ...

Asina Pornwasin

Farmers pay the price for EEC

Land expropriation rife as developers scout sites for industrial projects.An increasing number of people in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) provinces are finding themselves victims of unjust expropriation and land-grabbing, as developers hunt for sites to facilitate investment and industrial development.Keep reading ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Commerce attaches put on trade-war alert

Commerce Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong has urged commerce attaches to prepare for a global trade war, which he said is likely to intensify next year. “It [trade war] will be more intense next year, and we must assess its impact on the country,” said Mr. Sontirat ...

Phusadee Arunmas

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