
Greenpeace names top 10 spots for air pollution in Thailand

Greenpeace Southeast Asia has used Pollution Control Department data and a satellite map of PM2.5 concentrations to identify the 10 urban areas suffering the worst air pollution in Thailand.Keep reading ...

The miracle method for sustainable rice – and bigger harvests

The fragrant jasmine rice growing on the left side of Kreaougkra Junpeng’s five-acre field stands nearly five feet tall.Each plant has 15 or more tillers, or stalks, and the grains hang heavy from them. The Thai farmer says this will be his best-ever harvest in ...

The Mission of Thailand as ASEAN Chairmanship

As Thailand will assume the ASEAN Chairmanship next year, let’s take a look at the country’s mission to host important meetings at various levels.Keep watching ...

Southeast Asia’s plastic-spewing ogre

Indonesia should be ashamed of its status as the world’s second-largest plastic waste producer after China. The government and all other stakeholders must do more to turn this appalling situation around.Keep reading ...

SET tour shows progress of EEC projects

The Stock Exchange of Thailand is conducting tours of the EEC for the media to showcase the progress of its large investment projects.Keep watching ...

What Thailand’s Elections Can and Can’t Do for its Democracy

While the holding of an elusive election in the Southeast Asian state would be a notable step in the restoration of democratic rule, the harder work of managing wider political divisions lies ahead.Keep reading ...

Chinese company consults locals over Mekong blasting

The red-robed monk sat impatiently at the front of the consultation meeting in Chiang Saen, northern Thailand. Once the representatives from China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) had finished their presentation he stood up and scolded them for taking too long. He disputed their description of ...

Experts warn of loophole in NCPO’s order on cannabis

Experts have warned that despite the junta using special powers to unlock issues related to patent applications, Thailand still faces the risk of transnational pharmaceutical giants monopolising the cannabis medical market. However, Sontirat Sontijirawong, who stepped down as commerce minister yesterday, has been insisting that he ...

The Nation Reporter

Urgent : Schools in Bangkok close as air pollution worsens

the Bangkok governor on Wednesday ordered the suspension of classes at 437 schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration for the safety of students after 26 zones in the capital were declared air pollution control areas.Keep reading ...

Online advanced voting system now fully operational

The Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA) has explained that issues with the online advanced voting system were due to miscommunications between the systems domestic and international parts, that have since been rectified.Keep reading ...

Itiporn Lakarnchua

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