
Phu Kradueng firebreaks to minimise bushfire damage

Authorities are building firebreaks in Phu Kradueng National Park in a bid to prevent widespread fire damage in the future, after a recent bushfire destroyed about 3,400 rai of forest in the nature reserve.The move was announced by Natural Resources and Environment Minister, Varawut Silpa-archa, ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Gasohol E20 to become primary petrol this month

Gasohol E20 will become the primary petrol for the country early this month, requiring all petrol stations nationwide to carry the ethanol-blended fuel, says the Energy Business Department.Director-general Nantika Thangsuphanich said the department will discuss the scheduled enforcement of E20 with fuel traders and refineries.Keep ...

Yuthana Praiwan

Anutin: Covid drugs supply adequate for now

Thailand has adequate supplies of medicine to treat Covid-19 patients unless the outbreak becomes much worse, and it is seeking to import more drugs from China, Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charvirakul said on Monday.“Thailand has enough drugs to treat patients’ symptoms ...

Wassana Nanuam

#MeToo not enough in ASEAN

Last week, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of sexual assault – including rape. At least 80 women had accused him of sexual misconduct stretching back decades including Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Selma Hayek. Reports following the verdict say Weinstein suffered chest pains ...

Jillian Louis

First COVID-19 related death in Thailand

A medical panel, from Thailand’s National Infectious Committee, will determine the exact cause of the death of a COVID-19 patient, who contracted dengue fever prior to becoming infected with the coronavirus.Disease Control Department director-general Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai said today the victim, a 35-year old Thai ...

Lawmakers propose special sitting of parliament to consider student protests

Government MPs and a senator have separately proposed a special parliamentary session be convened in the light of the student flash mobs occurring across the country.In a letter, addressed to House Speaker Chuan Leekpai, Democrat party-list MP Issara Seriwattanawuth proposed an urgent motion for the ...

Crisis has markets pleading for stability support

A panic-selling spree ignited by mounting coronavirus infections across the globe caused another free fall for Thailand’s stock market, prompting consultants to urge the Finance Ministry to rethink expired tax deduction privileges for long-term equity funds (LTFs) and help stabilise market conditions.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Drought and disease menace job prospects

Thailand’s employment market is facing myriad risks this year, with widespread drought, poor exports, the delay of the 2020 fiscal budget and the highly contagious coronavirus outbreak weighing on jobs.Thosaporn Sirisamphand, secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC), said the agricultural sector ...

Chatrudee Theparat

BoT warns of GDP growth below 1%

The Bank of Thailand says the economy is likely to expand by less than 1% in 2020 if the coronavirus outbreak lasts throughout the year, says a central bank senior official.If the virus continues to spread for the entire year, which is longer than the ...

Somruedi Banchongduang

2020 Digital Fund receives over 400 proposals as approval being expedited [Video]

Welcome back. The Digital Economy Fund was set up in 2017 as required by the Act on Digital Development for the Economy and Society. The fund, supported by the National Broadcast and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), has reached over 5 billion baht.Keep watching ...

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