SciDataCon 2018: The Digital Frontiers of Global Science

With the theme of ‘The Digital Frontiers of Global Science’, SciDataCon 2018 will take place on 5-8 November in Gaborone, Botswana as part of International Data Week convened by CODATA, the ICSU World Data System and the Research Data Alliance.Like its predecessor, IDW 2018 will ...
Trade And Development Regional Forum 2018

The International Institute for Trade and Development (Public Organization) (ITD) are organizing a forum on “Trade and Development Regional Forum 2018” will focus on the theme “Transformation towards Innovative Trade and Development Agenda for Regional Integration” on 2-3 July 2018 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.Please ...
54th Meeting of the GEF Council and 6th GEF Assembly

The 54th Meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council will take place from 24-26 June 2018, immediately prior to the 6th GEF Assembly. The GEF Assembly meets every four years, and on this occasion from 27-28 June 2018. Both the Council meeting and the ...
Conference IBCCS: “Individual Behavior, Climate Change, and Sustainability” – Call for Papers

Sustainability and climate change are recurrent questions that attract the interest of both policy makers and academic researchers. Mekong Development Research Institute (MDRI), Centre for Research in Economics Applied to Globalization (CREAM) – University of Rouen Normandy, and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) are ...
Cumulative Impact Assessment on Lower Mekong Regional Water and Energy Infrastructure Development and Planning

The Lower Mekong Initiative – Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership, funded by the United States Department of State, and implemented by Pact, together with Mae Fah Luang University and partners will conduct a multi-disciplinary expert course: “Cumulative Impact Assessment on Lower Mekong Regional Water and Energy Infrastructure ...
Mekong Legal Advocacy Institute Recruitment

Mekong Legal Advocacy Institute is currently seeking junior lawyers and legal advocates, youth leaders and NGO workers from all six Mekong countries – Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand and Vietnam.Those working on earth rights issues such as environmental or human rights are invited ...
5th International Marine Conservation Congress

The Society for Conservation Biology’s International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC, #IMCC5) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.dates: 24-29 June 2018location: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysiawww: visit here for more details ...
Barcamp Bangkok 2018 Volunteer Registration

Barcamp Bangkok 2018 is calls for volunteers on Sunday, August 5th at TK Park, Central World, Bangkok, from 8am to 6pm.Benefits of volunteering: get hands-on experience in organizing knowledge sharing event, work in a multi cultural atmosphere, feel the joy of giving, and many moreFor ...
5th WriteShop for Mekong Writers 7-8 July 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand

The writeshop will bring together writers and researchers to build capacity to think critically, and produce a written story on current environmental and development issues in the Mekong region. Less experienced writers especially will be provided help to plan and write their articles.Application deadline is ...
Policy Report Calls for Data Management to Localize SDGs in ASEAN Cities

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) released a policy report on how “frontrunner” cities in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries are localizing the SDGs. The report notes that, while national governments are incorporating the SDGs into their development plans, the SDGs must ...
Adam Fishman