Summer School Researching Land Governance and Land Relations in the Mekong Region

The Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development and the Mekong Land Research Forum will run a week-long intensive summer school on land research in the Mekong Region. SCHOLARSHIPS are available for participants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, covering travel, accommodation, meals, and ...
Grants for collaborative research for policy and practice for Mekong Region researchers

The Sustainable Mekong Research Network () announces a call for concept notes for its research grants for 2019. This phase of the programme (2019-2028) is titled SUMERNET 4 All, focusing on water insecurity in the Mekong Region. The total fund available in this round is ...
Inclusive Participation as Key Driver and Accelerator of SDG 16 and SDG 10 CSO Best Practices and Lessons in Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality towards achievement of the SDGs

Across the Asia and the Pacific, civil society organizations (CSOs) and peoples’ movements have accumulated experiences and lessons in direct involvement of communities in development processes that led to the adoption of policies and programmes at the national, regional and global levels.Participants will be able to ...
Sixth Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development: Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality

The APFSD is the most inclusive regional platform on sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.The sixth Forum, as in previous years, will serve as a preparatory event for the 2019 high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) and will engage member States, United Nations ...
The Lancang-Mekong Youth Leadership and Culture Experience Camp
The Lancang-Mekong Youth Leadership and Culture Experience Camp is an international youth event hold by International Liaison Department of the League Central Committee and Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and organized by China Youth Daily and China University Media Union.This event will ...

The WOW factor is coming to Bangkok. Imagine you could collaborate on the design of a multi-billion-baht flyover bridge for a big city like Bangkok using the latest 3D technology to simulate multiple design options with real-time traffic and other crucial data for the best ...
State of Land in the Mekong Region Brief

The State of Land in the Mekong Region Brief summarizes the key findings of the State of Land in the Mekong Region Report.This report is based on key data and information, largely available in the public domain, to identify and describe the key issues and ...
SURVEY: Women in Open Data

How do women engage in open data movements cross the Mekong countries? ODT want to understand how women are engaging in open data movements across Thailand. We are particularly interested in understanding why and how women participate and what some of the barriers to their ...
Thailand ICT Camp 2019

The First Thailand ICT Camp 2019 | 13-15 May 2019 at Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-Am, Petchaburi Province, ThailandInformation is available in Thai. Feel free to share this event to those who work in non-government organizations, civil society organizations, public interest organizations, and media agencies, ...
Scholarship for Master in Development Management Program at Asian Institute of Mamagement

The Asian Development Bank–Japan Scholarship Program and the Asian Institute of Management aim to achieve a prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient Asia.Through the Master in Development Management (MDM) 12-month, full time program, students are equipped to be Leaders for Development and Sustainability – capable to ...