
Where Do Our Taxes Go? : Thailand Government Spending

Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization) published the platform “Thailand Government Spending” to reveal information related to tax revenues, budgets, and procurement in the public sector. Please visit here for more detail. ...

Structural transformation and poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific countries with special needs

Despite steady economic growth in recent decades, the countries with special needs (CSN) in Asia and the Pacific continue to grapple with high rates of extreme income poverty. This is particularly the case in LDCs such as Timor-Leste (30%), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (23%), and ...

Lao PDR: 8th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016–2020)

The 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan is the Lao PDR’s guiding strategic document. It paves the way towards the graduation from Least Developed Countries (LDC) status and lays a strong foundation for the achievement of the National Strategy on Socio-Economic Development 2025 and the Vision ...

Announcement: 2018 Mahidol University Postgradute Scholarships for Graduate International Students

Mahidol University – a Thai university – is offering 50 full scholarships and 450 partial scholarships for international students to study MA or PhD programs.MA in ASEAN Studies for Sustainable Development (MASD) is accepting applications for January 2019 semester.Application period: 10 October -15 November 2018.Please ...

A Panel discussion and forum on Dams, disaster and ecological justice: hydropower legacies in the Mekong

The recent tragic collapse of an auxiliary dam of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydropower project, under construction in southern Laos, drew global attention to the escalation in dam-building in the country and across the lower Mekong Basin.This man-made disaster killed at least 40 people and displaced ...

An exhibition on ‘Disrupted World...Let’s change Thailand’s education to achieve Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs’

Join many educational and learning activities such as lecture, presentation, panel discussion, the learning space, activities and exhibitions of development partners for educational reform.Date: Thursday, 25 October 2018 10.00 a.m.Location: Bangkok Art and Culture CentreFor register, please click here. ...

MI Opens Applications To Postharvest Training In Fresh Produce

MI is now accepting applications to a regional training on Postharvest Management System in Fresh Horticultural Produce. Full scholarships will be provided to 21 participants from Cambodia, P.R. China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.Please visit here for more detail. ...

6th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

The 6th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum is scheduled to convene in Manila, the Philippines, from 17-19 October 2018.The event is organized by the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), which is a regional programme for managing and applying adaptation knowledge in the region, and supports ...

Transforming Development and Disaster Risk in Asia: A Regional Forum

During 10-11 October 2018, ICoE-TDDR will host a regional forum in Bangkok, Thailand. Through moderated panel discussions and facilitated break-out groups, the Transforming Development and Disaster Risk in Asia: A Regional Forum (TDDR in Asia Forum) will examine how the current development model in Asia ...

MI opens applications to regional training on rural e-commerce development

Mekong Institute, with the support of the Government of the People’s Republic of China through the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund, is organizing a regional modular training program on “Rural E-commerce Development in Lancang-Mekong.” The training program consists of three phases scheduled between October 2018 and ...

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