
The government does not agree to allow free Visa for Burmese people across Tak province due to it may cause influx of illegal immigrant labor.

Many business persons from private sector suggest free Visa openings in Tak Special Economic Zone. But, the relevant security authorities disagreed because it could be a channel for illegal migrants to enter the interior areas. On January 10, 2018, Mr. Chatree Atchananun, Director General of ...

Kanchanaburi accelerates development of special economic zone.

At 3:00 PM on December 25, Mr.Sak Somboonto, Governor of Kanchanaburi province revealed preparation for the establishment of Kanchanaburi Special Economic Zone. According to the order of the Head of the National Peace and Order, land acquisition for use in the special economic zone was ...

Ministry of Public Health develops international diseases control post in response to Mae Sot Special Economic Zone.

Ministry of Public Health develops international diseases control post in response to Mae Sot Special Economic Zone in order to provide quality according to international health rules particularly for enhancing personnel with effective English and Burmese communications, as well as quickly detecting the diseases. This ...

The villagers did not agree to use local wetland as Chiang Khong Special Economic Zone causing 2 different sides of opinion.

The villagers in Boon Ruang sub-district of Chiang Khong district in Chiang Rai province voted against the use of local wetland area as special economic zone causing 2 different sides of opinion. The security village group must hold gun control against the situation. Likewise, the ...

Trat to develop Mairood sub-district in response to increasing growth in special economic zone

Mayor of Mairood Sub-District Administrative Organization revealed the use of land to develop as the special economic zone by expanding the road surface, as well as constructing of a cargo inspection station. It is expected to be settled by 2017, and it is ready to ...

Generating more electricity in response to special economic zones

Mr.Twarath Sutabutr, Director General of Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) said that at the National Energy Policy Committee meeting, in which the Prime Minister presided over, agreed in principle of Electricity Development Plan in order to support the establishment of special economic development zone ...

Expressway Authority of Thailand is ready to enter ASEAN Economic Community by preparing to construct a pilot expressway linking with Sa Kaeo Special Economic Zone.

Expressway Authority of Thailand revealed that Si Rat Express Way-Outer Ring Road of Bangkok metropolis with the length 16.7 km will be opened by the end of August. Expressway Authority of Thailand will conduct a study for the 8 additional expressway projects. A pilot expressway ...

The Tobacco Union of Chiang Rai province opposes using planting areas as a special economic zone.

Members of Tobacco Union of Chiang Rai met Chiang Rai Governor opposing the use of tobacco plantation areas of more than 840 Rais as Mae Sai Special Economic Zone. They disclosed that the government will lose the best source of tobacco production in Thailand, as ...

The National Human Rights Commission conducted field visit to Chiang Rai Special Economic Zone and found no progress.

At 9.00 AM on April 18, at the community hall of Thung Ngew in Satan sub-district of Chiang Khong district in Chiang Rai province, Mrs.Tuanjai Deted, Chairwomen of the Sub-Committee on Community Rights and Resources Base, along with relevant members and Mr. Harnnarong Yaowalert, President ...

BOI led the Japanese media to show investment readiness in Tak Special Economic Zone.

Mrs. Hirunya Sujjnai, Secretary General of the Board of Investment (BOI) revealed that last week Office of Investment Economics in Tokyo, Japan brought the Japanese journalists to Thailand. It aims to provide insight about the government’s policy on investment promotion. The BOI has provided lectures ...

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