Study shows Mekong droughts drive up carbon emissions, energy costs as dams go dry

New research shows hydropower in the Mekong region will become far less sustainable as droughts force countries to rely on coal and gas power plants, driving up carbon emissions and electricity costs. The findings present a problem for Mekong countries’ dam building plans, as hydropower ...

Geopolitics plays out on the Mekong with doubts on dams and promises of cooperation

Recent weeks have seen new developments in the ongoing tension over the Mekong river and its waters, as the river basin faces ecological crises and its waters play an ever-larger role in geopolitics.Thailand has announced that it is reconsidering its decision to purchase power from ...

Thailand’s economic crunch, protests cast land rights struggle in new light

As Thailand’s economy cracks under COVID-19, land ownership and access are key to many communities’ ability to ride out the crisis. Amid ongoing popular protests, Thailand must decide how to address its stark wealth gap and the needs of low-income rural communities.Keep reading ...

Thai farmers are trying a new, climate-friendly way to grow rice

A new agricultural program in central Thailand is working with farmers to change the way they grow rice, in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddies while saving water, time and money.The program, backed by the Thai government and German development agency ...

Thailand’s COVID-19 suicide crisis shows the cost of inequality

As Thailand shut down its economy over COVID-19, millions have lost their income and the country has seen a spike in suicide attempts, sometimes as a form of protest. The crisis highlights the country’s deep inequality and points to the need for economic reform as ...

A new service aims to reduce Thailand’s trash by helping people profit from recycling

Southeast Asia has a waste problem: plastic waste imports to the region have spiked since China banned most plastic recycling imports in 2017 and governments across the region are struggling to get a handle on their domestic waste management. Thailand still uses 200 billion plastic ...

Skylar Lindsay

EU-Vietnam trade deal prompts concern in Thailand

On June 30 in Hanoi, Vietnamese and EU officials signed a new free trade deal that could shift the balance of manufacturing in the region. The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement will reduce tariffs and facilitate trade between the two ...

Thailand’s new government should build on progress over migrant’s rights

Migrant workers in Thailand are pivotal to the country’s economic development. According to the United Nations, approximately 4.9 million migrant workers are in Thailand, making up more than 10% of the country’s workforce.An estimated 4.3% to 6.6% of Thailand’s gross domestic product (GDP) can be ...

Zachary Frye

Thailand’s wealth inequality is the highest in the world: What will this mean for the upcoming elections?

Thailand now has the largest wealth gap in the world, according to a recent report by Credit Suisse. The Global Wealth Report and Databook, published in December 2018, showed that the richest 1% in Thailand now controls almost 67% of the country’s wealth.Actors across the ...

What is behind Thailand’s strong first quarter economic growth

Thailand’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth soared to five-year highs in Q1 of 2018. The Thai economy grew by 4.8% last quarter, surpassing predictions. The surge has led the statistics agency to reassess its growth predictions for the year. It now estimates 2018 growth of 4.2- ...

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